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Muskegon Defective Medical Device Attorney

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Muskegon Defective Medical Device Lawyer

Michigan is currently at a new frontier of technological innovation. From blockchain technologies to machine learning and artificial intelligence to cutting-edge robotics, there is no doubt that the state of Michigan and the United States at large is experiencing a technological revolution.

In order to advance healthcare systems and services in Muskegon, such technologies are being applied for use in the medical sector – specifically, they are being employed to invent new, and enhance existing, medical devices. While such advancements can lead to higher quality healthcare, they can also cause medical device companies to scramble to increase their profit margins to overlook certain mistakes.

Neglect or recklessness on behalf of the medical device industry can cause injury to end users who are prescribed the devices for use. If you are a victim of a defective medical device, legal professionals from Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC, can help you pursue the financial compensation that you need to restore balance to your life.

Muskegon, MI Defective Medical Device Attorney

What Is A Defective Medical Device?

A medical device can be considered to be defective if it is not functioning as it is supposed to or if it is actively causing harm to the end user. A medical device can have three major kinds of defects, which are design, manufacturing, and marketing defects.

A design defect is due to negligence during the design process, such as incorrect calculations or false material selection, and applies to all of the products involved. A manufacturing defect happens when something is improperly produced or assembled and can impact a batch, lot, or all of the products produced, depending on the scale of the manufacturing mistake.

A marketing defect or labeling defect is a result of a lack of communication between the manufacturer and end user or medical provider regarding the risks, hazards, and side effects associated with a product.

How A Muskegon Defective Medical Device Lawyer Can Help You?

If you are concerned that your illness, harm, or side effects are linked to a medical device that you have been using, that was used on you, or that was implanted in your body, you may be feeling upset by the harm caused, and overwhelmed about how to seek justice. A Muskegon, Michigan, personal injury lawyer can help you in the following ways:

  • Providing sound legal advice. When it comes to defective medical device cases, you will be working with issues that require medical case experience, as well as knowledge of local and state law. An experienced lawyer can use their knowledge to help you work through overwhelming legal processes.
  • Determining the strength of your case. A compassionate lawyer can look at all of the details associated with your case, including injury photos, healthcare logs, and product use evidence, to determine whether you have a valid case and advise you accordingly.
  • Helping you meet deadlines. In Michigan, there are statutes of limitations that need to be met, meaning that you only have a limited amount of time from the date you were injured or noticed you were harmed until you can file a lawsuit. An attorney can inform you of all the relevant deadlines for your case and help you file all of your documents on time.
  • Assisting you with filing a class action or multidistrict lawsuit. In the case that many people have been harmed by the same device that you were harmed by, a personal injury lawyer can help you with joining or starting a new case.
  • Negotiating on your behalf. In many instances, you may need to negotiate your case outside of the courtroom with insurance companies, manufacturing companies, and other players. In such cases, a lawyer can help you with their negotiating power.

Working with a Michigan defective medical device lawyer can help you work towards getting the proper compensation that you are entitled to and make sure that your rights and interests are protected.

FAQs About Muskegon, MI Defective Medical Device Laws

What Is A Medical Device Recall?

A medical device recall is a term used by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration that refers to the need of a manufacturer to announce that their product is in violation of FDA regulation. This means that they either need to correct a device or completely remove it from the market. A recall for a medical device can happen when it poses a risk to health, when it is defective, or when it poses a risk and is defective.

How Can I Find A Good Quality Michigan Defective Medical Device Lawyer?

In order to find the lawyer who is right for your case, it can be advisable to read about cases similar to yours in the state of Michigan and find out what lawyer was representing those cases. A lawyer with a good reputation can also be suggested by word of mouth from prominent community members and healthcare service providers. Make sure the attorney you choose has a successful track record in handling cases similar to yours by reading reviews.

What If I Can’t Pay For My Defective Medical Device Lawyer in Michigan?

Fortunately, most defective medical device lawyers in Michigan operate based on contingency fees. A contingency fee is an agreed-upon amount or percentage of awarded compensation that is only paid out to the personal injury lawyer if the case is won. As a result, more individuals who might not have access to a lawyer in other cases can get the opportunity to work with a lawyer for their defective medical device case.

Can I Sue The Michigan Healthcare Provider Who Implanted My Defective Medical Device?

It’s important to note that claims for medical malpractice are filed separately from defective medical device claims. In order to determine whether your case is both a malpractice and defective medical device case, it can be helpful to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer about the details of your case.

Don’t Wait: Contact Our Muskegon Personal Injury Lawyers Today

Many patients who have suffered from the impact of defective medical devices are unaware that they are entitled to compensation. No one should have to bear the consequences of a mistake that another individual or organization has made. In order to ensure your entitlement to pursuing a claim, it is critical to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer from Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC, as soon as possible.

Practice Areas


Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC

3049 Miller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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