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Ann Arbor, MI 48103
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Author Archives: Stephen B. Goethel

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Errors with high-risk medications all too common

Preventable medication errors affect some 7 million people in Michigan and across the U.S. every year. Worldwide, between…

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$17 Million Medical Malpractice Verdict for Paralyzed Patient Against Sparrow Hospital

The firm has been representing our client in this surgical and hospital negligence claim where our client became…

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Calculating lost wages in a car accident claim

It is true that accidents do happen, but some accidents can be life impacting. A car accident can leave you…

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Guiding you through a medical malpractice action

Going to the doctor or medical specialists is fairly routine in society. With advancements in medical science and…

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What happened to cause your baby to suffer a brain injury?

Data from the American Journal of Neuroradiology indicates that lack of oxygen affects as many as two to…

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Ann Arbor firm fights for those affected by catastrophic injuries

Last week on the blog, we discussed the first steps that should be taken when treating a spinal cord…

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The first steps in treating a spinal cord injury

In the blink of an eye, an innocent motorist can be rocked by a collision caused by a…

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It shouldn’t be too much to ask for Michigan residents to want competent care from the medical professionals…

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Marijuana may increase risk of motor vehicle accident

Michigan recently legalized the recreational use of marijuana, which is inline with the decriminalization that is occurring across…

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Vehicle crashes are a major cause of spinal cord injuries

On Behalf of Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC | Aug 15, 2019 | Uncategorized You may know someone with a…

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Studies: diagnostic errors common cause of medical malpractice

It happens to just about all of us. We start experiencing some sort of symptom, whether its pain…

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Teen drivers cause many nighttime car accidents

Parents of teenagers know that teaching them to drive can be a scary experience. These young drivers are…

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Michigan doctor allegedly reused disposal medical devices

Many Michigan residents are anxiety-ridden when they have to go to the doctor. Their fear is often based…

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Truck accidents continue to plague our roadways

Semi-truck accidents remain a problem across America. In fact, data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that in…

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Texting and Driving Guide

Here is an update to our blog post from last summer. Texting and driving still far to common. As…

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Common ways a negligent surgeon can hurt you

Getting surgery is scary. Whether it is a minor hernia surgery or major brain operation, it is always…

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Wrongful death damages are open to legal argument

The sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one is nothing short of tragic. The heartache can be…

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Our firm aggressively advocates for medical malpractice victims

As scary as it may sound, no one is immune to the dangers posed by medical malpractice. Newborn…

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How negligence presents itself in motorcycle accidents

With the weather starting to slowly warm up, more and more Michigan residents will hop on their motorcycles…

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Study highlights medical malpractice involving children

Children are amongst the most vulnerable amongst us. One reason for this is because they are less able…

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Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC

3049 Miller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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